It takes between 24 and 48 working hours to prepare and dispatch your order. The delivery time will then depend on the carrier, with an average of 24 additional working hours.
Delivery times are given as an indication and depend on external factors related to transport, Renophase cannot be held responsible for late delivery and shipping costs will not be refunded.
We also ask you to take into account the day of the order, as any order placed the day before and during the weekend is prepared and dispatched the next working day. This delay cannot be considered as a delay.
It takes between 24 and 48 working hours to prepare and dispatch your order. The delivery time will then depend on the carrier, with an average of 24 additional working hours.
Delivery times are given as an indication and depend on external factors related to transport, Renophase cannot be held responsible for late delivery and shipping costs will not be refunded.
We also ask you to take into account the day of the order, as any order placed the day before and during the weekend is prepared and dispatched the next working day. This delay cannot be considered as a delay.
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