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Taking care of skin with pronounced imperfections means acting on several components: unclogging the pores and regulating the production of sebum and bacterial proliferation. That's why we have developed an anti-imperfection formula that stimulates cell renewal and exfoliates and purifies the epidermis to regain the radiance of healthy skin.
GLYCOLIC ACID: Its exfoliating action helps to free pores and refine the thickened stratum corneum.
ZINC PCA: Anti-bacterial agent and regulates sebum secretion.
Over the years, the skin thickens, becomes drier, irregular and loses its radiance. An abnormal thickening of the corneal layer is observed. The combined and harmful action of free radicals accelerates the appearance of signs of ageing. Aware of these processes, we have formulated an antioxidant treatment, a skin renewal booster, which is highly concentrated in glycolic acid, to rejuvenate the appearance of the skin and restore visible and lasting radiance
GLYCOLIC ACID: Boosts cell renewal and refines thick skin.
From the age of 30, we discover our first wrinkles, and the face marks a little more after a bad night's sleep... It's time to protect the cells! To preserve the youthfulness of your skin, we have developed this moisturising, plumping, antioxidant treatment, which is very concentrated in fragmented hyaluronic acid.
HYALURONIC ACID COMPLEX: Synergistic combination of several hyaluronic acids to restore active hydration, increase volume, reduce the depth of wrinkles and restore supple, luminous, visibly plumped skin.
CERAMIDES: Strengthen the skin barrier by increasing cell cohesion and regulating water loss.